I’ve started writing a new novel, and we’re in the honeymoon phase together, my novel and I. I’m infatuated with this shiny new idea, digging into the research with wild abandon and gleefully exploring my new characters. It’s like starting any new relationship—I have thousands of questions for my characters to learn who they are […]
Sidewalk Inspiration – Strolling Library Way in NYC
In New York City, the natural urge is to look up. Up at the towering skyscrapers. Up at the cathedral spires. Up at the neon extravaganza of blazing signs in Times Square. But on a trip to NYC a few months ago, I found myself looking down. And my heart rose for it. I was […]
Fire Up Your Writing Energy – Bar Scene
Writing can go through seasons—some seasons are hot and fast, filled with fireworks, while others are cold and sluggish, like a Sunday morning in December. After one of those cold, unproductive seasons, getting back to our computers to do some fiction writing can feel like a sun-kissed reward for having survived all those lost gloves […]
New Year’s Resolutions for Writers – On the RMFW Blog
If you’re setting your goals and intentions for the coming year, are you focusing on goals revolving around wordcount or number of submissions? If so, it’s not too late to think about your writing life from another perspective. What do you need this year to grow yourself as a writer? Do you need to sharpen […]
Why I Love Being a Writer
Lists are great. Lists can keep you organized, remind you of your priorities, or prevent you from making a faux pas (by forgetting to invite Aunt Myrtle to the birthday party, for instance). They help you remember to pick up yogurt at the grocery story, and they can show you how many more editing changes […]
Not a Back-Burner Day
I have few hours and many projects today. I’m working on two medical writing assignments, I’m teaching a junior high class about writing and settings, and I’m overdue for a blog post. It’s a simple fact that my creative writing must stay on the back-burner today. So what did I just do? I wrote a […]